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Christian Man - Part 1

Posted on February 16, 2014 by | 20 views
In a world where the focus is on satisfying yourself and your own material needs, where infidelity and violence increase, where women are used for status and families ripped apart and left in pieces. This world needs men who lift
their sight beyond themselves to live for something greater and for what is right. Men that take responsibility for
their lives, their families, loved ones and live for others instead of themselves. Not perfect men, but men that have
an honest and devoted desire in their hearts to become all that they are meant to be - to let their lives be remembered for the good they did, their love to God and to the people around them.

We believe that there are more men around the world that want to live life to its full potential and reach out for all that God has. God has put so many dreams, gifts and talents in the heart of every man that will not see the daylight if you and I don't take our call and life seriously. God wants to give our life a purpose, to reach out with his love, to see peoples lives changing and dreams fulfilled.

Your Life Matters! Let It Make A Difference!

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